What date would you like to visit?

    What time of day would you like to visit?
    Morning (8am - 12pm)Afternoon (12pm - 4pm)Evening (4pm - 8pm)

    Please tell us about yourself

    Who are you considering Blue Lakes Assisted Living for?
    My ParentMy SpouseMy other family memberMyself

    What is the potential resident's current living arrangement?Lives in the home independently (no care services)Lives in home with some assistanceLives in a community for independent seniorsLives in an assisted living communityLives in a nursing and rehabilitative facilityLives in someone else’s home (family members or friends)

    When do you or your loved one plan to move into senior living?
    Within 1 month1-3 month3-6 months6 months +

    How did you hear about us?
    Friends or familyProfessional (Doctor, Social worker, etc.)InternetBuilding/SignsDirect Mail
